Advanced Elicitation Program (AEP)
CourseIn this exclusive advance certification program, you will gain an invaluable skillset that is considered to be elite tradecraft in military intelligence. Lena Sisco will teach you how to use elicitation to gain a competitive advantage in your world.
Enhanced Interviewing & Negotiation (EIN) Program
CourseLena will teach you her 5-step non-accusatory investigative interviewing process. You will gain enviable confidence in the way you speak, interview, and negotiate. You will increase your awareness, earn respect, and influence the truth.
SWAT Level 1
CourseSWAT stands for Statement & Word Analysis Training. You will learn how to analyze both spoken and written statements to uncover indicators of deception and uncover the truth from a former Intelligence Officer and certified DoD interrogator.
SWAT Level 2
CourseSWAT Level 2 is advanced statement and word analysis training. We recommend taking SWAT Level 1 first.
Honest Answers Master Class (HAMC)
CourseHONEST ANSWERS MASTER CLASS Part 1. You will learn the 3 Core Areas of "Honest Answers;" Enhanced Elicitation, Strategic Interviewing, and Empathetic Negotiation. Learn what drives human behavior so you can get the honest answers you deserve.
Introductory Conversational Elicitation (ICE)
CourseElicitation is used by numerous public sector services and enterprises and private sector businesses and corporations to collect information in an unassuming way. It allows us to build rapport because we can conceal our objective and intent.